Artist Statement

I have discovered bringing light into my work gives it a sense of life, a meaning, an atmosphere that can be psychologically interpreted in many ways by the viewers.

I work in different media but primarily with metal. Within a year I have created pieces of work by exploring patination of different metals, I believe my work expresses my own ray of mind and creates a new character. Every piece I have meticulously created is unique; it’s absorbed because of its beauty, richness of colours, texture and blossoming of rust. I feel that this has emerged through the interaction of the material and I consider this as nature and experience. Exploring patination gives me a vast opportunity of how I want my pieces to be used and shown, each of my work is presented in two ways; are framed and also appears in my new beginning of light sculptures.



Sunday, 12 June 2011


  1. Hiya,
    Your photos look amazing! Your work in the exhibition was brilliant, what was the brief it looked really professional x x have a good break now x

  2. hey helen love ur art work hun,really proud of ya!!! keep up with the good work :)xxx

    carl adamson
